
Top 10 Upgrades to Increase the Value of Your Home
Selling A HomeHere is THE #1 COMPREHENSIVE list of most effective upgrades to increase the value of your home! It is best if you give yourself the time to get the work done properly. Better yet, you don't have to make these material upgrade decisions alone. Hire us first, and receive weeks and months of advice, planning, sourcing and problem solving at no extra cost to you. This level of service is standard to all clients, no premium fees here.

What to Do if Your Home Buying Budget is Under $500k?
Buying a HomeIf your home buying budget is less than $500k, i am sure you are feeling frustrated. Many recent articles are advocating for you to start anew out in Hamilton or beyond. But what if you have a job you love right here? Or family support is just 10 minutes away? What if you WANT to stay in the GTA but you don't think you can buy anything here? This article is for you.

Let the Kitchen Sell Your Home
Selling A HomeLet the kitchen sell your home! Read more to learn a few simple, economical and universally appealing principles that will get you top dollar.

Expert Series: Advice for Home Buyers
Buying a HomeI was recently interviewed by Point2Homes about the current real estate Market and what advice for Home Buyers I had to offer.

Why You Should Live in Meadowvale
Mississauga VillagesMeadowvale has been experiencing a rebirth and a new energy. Many of the original owners are cashing out and moving away, while hundred of young families are moving in. Over the last 5 years I have watched countless neglected homes receive new love with exterior facelifts and dumpsters placed in driveways while kitchens and baths are being gutted and updated. Prices have risen dramatically but they are still more affordable than the rest of the city, given that it's further north and Meadowvale has only just begun to rise in desirability.

Where NOT to Live in Mississauga
Mississauga VillagesSince the "Great Panic of 2017", every neighbourhood has risen past the once prestigious $1 million mark. But area all villages worthy of equal stature? Let's take a closer look at some villages to learn what's worth the hype and what's not.

Why You Should Live in Lisgar
Mississauga VillagesTake a tour with me to learn about everything Lisgar has to offer. Very few people start their home search here because it is on the furthest edge of the city, far away from Toronto. But because of this, you get the most house for your money, and if you can get over the suburban feel, there's a lot to see and do, especially for families.

Why You Should Live in Clarkson
Mississauga VillagesLet's take you on a tour of Clarkson so you can see all the wonderful things about this Village. Though not perfect, it offers a lot of opportunity, especially for those new to Mississauga, who still need quick commuting access to Downtown Toronto.

Moving to Mississauga from Toronto
Buying a HomeMoving out to the west GTA might not be your dream move; you may not like the idea of the 'burbs and are worried that you'll loose all the great amenities and charm that you have enjoyed in Toronto. The Village Guru takes a lifestyle approach to get you into a new neighbourhood that will make your transition as successful as possible. We think you'll be pleasantly surprised!

5 Upgrades to Avoid When Selling Your Home
Selling A HomeEspecially in a sellers market, we often see home owners do the WRONG work on their home, in the hopes of maxing the sale price. Find out here the 5 Upgrades to avoid, as well as what work will get better results

The #1 Secret to Finding the Best Real Estate Agent
Weekly Update - Keeping Real Estate RealThe hardest part in starting the process of buying or selling a home is trying to figure out who is the best agent for you. Who can you trust? How can you tell their motives? There is one simple and easy way to do this, and it's not through interviewing 10 agents until your head is spinning with information. This 1 step will save you a lot of trouble and make the process of hiring a realtor that much easier.

Choosing The Right Paint Colour For Selling Your Home
Selling A HomeChoosing the right paint colour for selling your home isn't about personal preferences or current trends. Used strategically, colour can highlight your best features and downplay any negatives of your home. Find out which tried and true colours we recommend for an elegant and contemporary look.

How to Ensure Buyers Love your Bathrooms
Selling A HomeKitchens and bathrooms sell houses. Beautiful bathrooms help sell homes for Top Dollar. Although they are a more expensive room to tackle, we'll show you the most economical tricks to get a huge bang for your buck and make those buyers FALL.IN.LOVE

How To Update a Large Home on a Budget
Home DecorIn this case study, we were working on a large, executive home in Erin Mills. It was full of potential......and a lot of dated 1990's finishes. When you have a lot of surfaces to update, you have to make every dollar work hard, to keep to a proper budget. This is story about how to focus on the most impactful changes to get the best results.

Top Staging Tricks: Refresh your Kitchen & Baths
Selling A HomeIn this case study, we will review some of the most cost effective ways to refresh your kitchen and bath on a very tight budget.

How to Prepare Your Kitchen When Selling Your Home
Selling A HomeIf you want to sell for TOP DOLLAR, start in your kitchen. This is by far the most important room to buyers, and the price you end up with will largely depend on how happy the buyers are with the kitchen. Selling Your Home For Top Dollar - Part 5

Essential Tips for Increasing Your Home's Curb Appeal When Selling
Selling A HomeCurb Appeal matters when selling your house. Tips to preparing your curb appeal and landscaping for selling.

Industry Article: Know Your Village
About The Village GuruThis is a quick link to the Interview I did with Point 2 Homes about the Mississauga Real Estate Market and what buyers need to know to get the home they want and need.

How Do I Find The Right Area to Live In?
Buying a Home[VIDEO] Finding the right area to live in can sometimes be a challenge for home buyers. Balancing factors such as budget, proximity to work, family and others can make the situation very complicated.

My Top 5 Villages in Mississauga
Mississauga VillagesClients always ask me where I would live, Would you buy this house? Would you live in this neighbourhood? what do I look for?...etc. When I'm working for someone I try to see the world through their eyes, it's about finding them what is best for them. So today I decided to write this post to answer the question, partly for fun, and also so that you can get a little better sense of who I am, and how I look at the world as a home buyer.

Younger Home Buyers Should Think Like Home Flippers
Buying a Home[VIDEO] Knowing what I know, if I was a first time home buyer I would be looking for something that needs a little work. By a little I don't mean a gut or the need for permits, but something that might be outdated cosmetically because here's what I do know- The majority of today's home buyers are

Osprey Marsh
Mississauga VillagesThis morning I decided to take a stroll around Osprey Marsh in Lisgar and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by how serene and peaceful the area is.

Is the Toronto Real Estate Market Dying Down because of Corona Virus?
Home Buying, Video, Weekly Update - Keeping Real Estate Real
In this video, I answer a question that I received on Instagram that many people have: Is the Toronto Real Estate Market Dying Down because of Corona Virus?
In this video I go over the reasons the Toronto Condo Market performance is not…

Understanding Average Days on Market in Real Estate
Buying a Home, Selling A Home, Video
Have you ever wondered what the term "Average Days on Market" means in real estate? In this video I explain what average days on market means, and how you can use it to your advantage as either a home buyer or seller.
Be sure to check…

Understanding the Term Sold to Ask Ratio in Real Estate
Home Buying, Selling A Home, Video, Weekly Update - Keeping Real Estate Real
What is Sold to Ask Ratio in Real Estate?
Whether you’re buying or selling a home, understanding basic real estate statistics such as sold to ask ratio can help you understand how to market is doing, and ultimately negotiate the best deal…

Understanding Absorption Rate in Real Estate
Buying a Home, Selling A Home, Video, Weekly Update - Keeping Real Estate Real
Among the many buzz words in the real estate industry, Absorption Rate, also referred to as ‘Month’s Inventory” is a term rarely mentioned in real estate but can be very helpful in understanding the current market, which can help any…

Top 10 Paint Colours for Staging Your Home
Home Staging In staging, you want buyers to notice your best features, like wood floors, big windows, woodwork and fireplaces. These are the features of the home and we want them to stand out. Think of paint in the role of Best Supporting Actor, as it helps to enrich the overall feeling without taking the lead.

Why White Kitchens Are Best
Home Decor
White Kitchens Win the Real Estate Equity Game
I wasn't planning on writing another article about kitchens (or white kitchens) this morning, because if you haven't read them yet, I've already written several kitchen articles that you can…

Get the Look: Mid Century Modern Dining Room
Home DecorThe beauty of mid century modern design is that it feels very modern, without feeling cold and hard. Warm woods, textured fabric and interesting lines all work together to create an elegant and timeless look. Follow these easy steps to create your own mid century modern dining room

Get The Look: Monochromatic Living Room
Home DecorLearn the top 3 tips to successfully creating monochromatic living room decor. When using many shades of just one colour, making a plan is key.

Protecting Your Interests When Selling a Home
Selling A HomeThis is a story about a home I recently sold in Mississauga, and how it gives a good example of the ethical dilemma’s faced by real estate professionals every day.

How to Decide Which Real Estate Agent to Hire
Weekly Update - Keeping Real Estate RealWhen deciding who to hire to sell your home, it can be the most dreaded part of the process. The problem is that everyone seems and sounds the same, making the same claims, the same promises. They all claim only they have the secret weapon to sell your home the best, be it years of experience, a huge database of buyers, territorial fame, having sold the most homes in the area, or by any other endless amount of flexible statistics. So how does all of this translate into the best sale for you? Or does it even have anything to do with it? Now that we are in the age of the Internet, here are the only 2 factors that will get you the best sale and highest price for your home.

Why I Video Blog
About The Village Guru[VIDEO] This is why I make video blogs from my car

The World is Becoming a Better Place
About The Village Guru[VIDEO] The other day I had a moment of appreciation on how much opportunity exists for people who are motivated in today's world.

How Company Culture Dictates Success
About The Village GuruThis is a story about how my birthday breakfast became a lesson for my business and all businesses in general. Culture is a vague, all-encompassing term that's easy to ignore on a daily basis. But is it the most important activity for any leader or manager. Culture is always quietly & actively impacting the company, for better or for worse. It’s whether management is steering this activity in a good way, or if it’s damaging by default.

A Case Study of A Kitchen Remodel
Selling A HomeIn this case study, we examine the steps we took in this Kitchen Remodel to transform a kitchen on a very tight budget. Learn the classic techniques we use to make a space feel fresh and contemporary, while keep costs in check.