What do you do for fun on a Tuesday night?
For me it’s sitting on a bench at IKEA watching my youngest rampage through the kids section. Now I’ll admit, I was never a fan of the world’s largest furniture store before becoming a parent but it is such an entertaining place to go with the kids for a few hours. Cheap food, a play zone and a massive area to run around in. I think they designed it that way, because every time we go my wife always leaves with a bunch of new home decor accessories.

Whoever thought you could have so much fun with a $7 hamper bin?
While sitting there another man with 2 young children came along and his kids joined in the fun.
’10 years ago did you ever think you would be hanging around the kids section at IKEA’ I commented.
We both had a quick laugh and then there was a long silence and then it dawned on me. While day to day it seems like nothing changes when you look back you realize life is all about change. What you were doing or who you were five years ago may be totally different. I think that’s why I always say it always helps to think this way when planning a big purchase like a home.

He’s right at home playing on the floor at Ikea.
Amazing how much life changes!