Yesterday I received a referral call, which is the best compliment a real estate agent can receive.

“Hi my name is ….. and I’m calling because I received your name from…. You sold their house last year and they were extremely pleased with how you handled the job and your professionalism. We are looking to sell this spring and we would like you to come by and tell us what you think…”

It wasn’t the come over and tell us what you think part (although that’s pretty sweet ;-)), it was hearing that a past client of mine took the time to mention my name. Period.

Real estate is a personal business, and there’s a lot riding whenever I am tasked with selling or buying a home. When I started in real estate I had one underlying principal, to treat people as I would like to be treated. I bought my first home before I was an agent and I wasn’t too impressed with the experience, so I decided that when I started that I had to do better.

While I think that 99% of real estate agents set out to do the best job possible, the fact remains that the majority of people never use the same agent twice, never mind taking the time to tell their friends. It’s a shame because anyone who has ever sold anything knows that referrals are the lifeblood of a business. Having said that, there’s usually a reason.

A lot of people read this blog, they find it while looking for real estate tips, or information on Mississauga neighbourhoods. A good number end up contacting me but I’m sure many find what they need and move on.

If you’re reading this now there’s a good chance we’ve never met in person, but if you found this site useful please let me know. If you know someone else who may find The Village Guru useful please pass it along.

These are my thoughts for today, not aimed specifically at any one. Just me being thankful for the referral!