I see a lot of homes, I mean a lot.
I see some absolutely beautiful homes and I see ones that leave me speechless and everywhere in between. While we can’t always control how a home was decorated 30 years ago and some of us (myself included) actually like ugly homes because we see the renovation potential, for the most people they are an eyesore and should be avoided at all cost.
Ugly is one thing but what really breaks me up is seeing a recent renovation or decor job that was done all wrong. It hurts because you know the owner put $$$$ in yet it’s so personal or ugly that no one sees the value in what they’ve done.
Here is my list of the TOP 5 Design and Decor Choices That Should Be Avoided at All Cost!
1. The Bidet
You know, the permanent eyesore dedicated to cleaning your behind. I find these things so tacky and no one likes them. Can I recommend wet wipes and regular showers? While we are at it, throw urinals in the mix. Houses aren’t public bathrooms and men should improve their aim.
2. Pickled Pink Anything!
For the most part, pickled pink is a home decor disaster from the 1990’s that ranks right up there with lumber jackets and baggy pants. Here’s my issue with pickled pink kitchens and cabinets. No one likes it and it severely dates your home. What’s worse is many people lucky enough to have them have gone ahead and decorated around the pickled pink colour by installing newer counters, back splashes and hardware to match. Solid wood, high end, it doesn’t matter. Trust me, there’s a 99% chance whoever buys your house is going to want to rip them out. If you are redoing your kitchen PLEASE don’t pick this colour, and if you already have them there are some affordable options such as having them re sprayed.
3. Wood For The Sake Of Wood.
I’m mostly referring to baseboards, wainscoting, railings and bead board. Just because it’s solid wood doesn’t mean you can’t paint it! When in doubt, paint it out!

But it’s wood, you don’t paint wood! Or do you? What stair rail looks better? Picture: www.yourhomeonlybetter.com
4. Marshmallow Furniture
Believe it or not, you can have comfort and style at the same time. If you really love the feel of faux leather or velvet marshmallow, keep it to the rec room. It doesn’t look good in any pictures or anywhere else for that matter.
5. Tile
More specifically, tile anywhere aside from the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room or hallway. We aren’t in Florida people, tile living rooms don’t look good in Canada and we don’t need to stay cool, we need to warm up! Removing tile is a big pain in the butt and most buyers won’t go there. Trust me.
Bonus. Tiled Kitchen Counters
Ok, I’m being picky here and there are definitely worse things you can do but I’m honestly not a fan. The cost of stone counters has gone way down over the years and tile counters remind me of those flipping shows where the owners are cheeping out to save a buck. Plus, I’m going to guess there’s a potential for hygiene issues.

With granite and other slab counters so affordable, why would anyone tile a counter these days? Picture: www.uglyhousephotos.com
So there’s my list of TOP 5 Design and Decor Choices That Should Be Avoided at All Cost. Are there any other you can think of?