Week 2 didn’t go quite as well as week 1. What started off a great week with 3 awesome workouts was derailed Wednesday afternoon when I realized I was getting a cold. Then my lazy brain took over..
I guess I’ll take tomorrow off and let myself sleep in and get the extra rest…

Stuffy, tired, sluggish combined with a very busy Thursday and Friday filled with appointments got the better of me, I cracked and didn’t go for the rest of the week. What’s worse is that I stopped getting up at 5am and reverted to 7am which means on top of not working out, I didn’t have enough time to plan my meals for the day and get everything set up properly.

I think there’s a lesson to be learned in this. At an office event last year there was a guest speaker and he touched on a point about key events, and when you want to achieve a goal you trace your steps backwards until you discover the key event that either starts everything off correctly, or derails the rest of the plan. Using My 12 Week Fitness Challenge as an example, the key event that seems to drive everything is my choice to set my alarm and go to bed a decent time. If that happens I’m up early, at the gym and home before the kids wake up. I’m able to plan my meals and mentally pump myself up for the day. If that doesn’t happen then it goes a little different. I stay up late, maybe eat something bad or have a beer. Wake up at 7am, give myself 15 minutes to ‘wake up’ and have a mad scramble to get the kids ready and get out the door. No planning, no lunch made, so guess what happens during the day? You guessed it, poor diet decisions, loss of energy and decreased motivation. It’s a snowball effect and it’s easy to make excuses.

Nothing ever goes perfectly and we will always have challenges that get in the way of our goals. The key is to roll with the punches and get back on that horse! No more excuses, eye on the prize!