I’m always on the lookout for real estate information. News, blogs and anything that will give me more information that will help me better serve my clients.
Most of the time real estate is serious, but once in a while it’s funny when I come across an article or website that looks at real estate a little differently. One such web site is Ugly House Photos, a blog written by Phoenix Realtor Leif Swanson.
The site is exactly what it says it is- ugly house photos. In fact, I think it goes one step further as it shows some of the most horrendous pictures I’ve ever seen in real estate. Hoarders, vandalism, DIY jobs gone bad, this site has them all. The best part of all is the witty commentary that comes with some of the pictures, funny descriptions such as;
“The imported wood panelling was custom stained with nicotine extract.”

“The imported wood panelling was custom stained with nicotine extract.” – www.uglyhousephotos.com
“Clutter in a Peoria, Arizona kitchen. Plus a flyswatter and a bingo game card”

“Clutter in a Peoria, Arizona kitchen. Plus a flyswatter and a bingo game card.” – www.uglyhousephotos.com
Being a realtor, I get a kick out of the pictures because I myself have seen my share of ugly homes, but these top anything I see on a regular basis. It may seem unbelievable but the pictures come from actual listings in Phoenix and other areas and it just makes me shake my head to think how anyone could post pictures like these. Unlike my colleague from Phoenix, the legalities here restrict how I can advertise (critique) listings, so I can’t pull this off myself, as funny as it may be.

They’ll finish the wall after their next tax refund check arrives. www.uglyhousephotos.com
Luckily here in Mississauga and the GTA, most homes show fairly well, however there are many home sellers and agents who still don’t understand the value of professional photography in real estate. Just spend 10 minutes surfing home listings on realtor.ca and you’ll know what I mean!
If you are looking for a good laugh check out uglyhousephotos.com, and as for me, I better get back to work!