Vista Heights, Streetsville
The best way to describe Vista Heights is:
Sleepy suburban meets the real estate boom.
Do you like the idea of having a much sought after postal code without the, “over the top” feel of some of Mississauga’s other premier communities? Do you like quiet, winding streets were your neighbours take pride in maintaining their homes? Do you want your children to have access to some of Mississauga’s top schools? Then look no further than Vista Heights in Streetsville.

Vista Heights is located west of the Historic Village of Streetsville
Located just west of the historic Village of Streetsville, Vista Heights is a charming post war suburban development that overlooks the Village. Known for it’s charming bungalows, Vista Heights is a quiet community where neighbours take pride of their homes. The streets in Vista Heights can be characterized by wide roads, large lots and less sidewalks. Other development includes 1980’s style family homes north of Vista Heights Park and newer town homes located near Britannia Rd.
Buyers Who Should Consider Vista Heights:
1) The Land Lover:
As with any 50+ year old suburban neighbourhood, Vista Heights has plenty of space. Wide roads, fewer side walks and big lot sizes, the area is great for people who want a good piece of land with their house. While it’s true everywhere that land is king, this is even more so in Vista Heights, where small post war homes are regularly bought and sold for renovation or to be turned into custom homes.
Here’s a good example of the redevelopment occurring in Vista Heights. The house on the right is what an original home in the area looks like. The house on the left has been transformed into a beautiful custom home. 1960’s suburban homes with wide lot sizes are perfect for custom renovations.
2) The Lifestyle Buyer:
Vista Heights is perfect for the sophisticated home buyer that understands that the community you live in is just as important as what your home looks like on the inside. When you buy in Vista Heights you aren’t just buying a house, you’re buying Streetsville and the Lifestyle that comes with it. Walking distance to shops, restaurants, parks and community events, this is an area that will keep you busy. Do you work in downtown Toronto? Depending on what area of Vista Heights you are in you’re walking distance or no more than a 3 minute drive to the station.
3) The Home Improvement Enthusiast
The older post war homes are a favourite of investors and people looking to do custom renovations. The property sizes, location and access to excellent schools make this community a winner from an appreciation standpoint. If you have the funds and aren’t put off by a renovation, there are deals to be had in Vista Heights. However, as time passes and the area becomes more widely known across the GTA these deals are becoming fewer and further between and I’ll warn you now, expect to be in competition.
4) The Family Buyer:
While known for it’s 60’s style suburban homes, Vista Heights also has its share of more typical suburban family homes that are perfect for families who want their children to attend a great school.
More affordable options include a cluster of town homes located near Britannia and Erin Mills Parkway.
For families looking for something newer, there is a small development of Daniel’s built homes that were built in the late 2000’s, near the intersection of Thomas St and Gafney Drive.
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Buyer Who Might not Love Vista Heights:
To be fair, just like ANY neighbourhood, Vista Heights is not for everyone. With that in mind I think it’s very important to know the downsides so that you can make a fully informed decision.
1) Living Near the Train
If you live further East in Vista Heights, closer to the Historic Village of Streetsville you will have to deal with the train line. While some will argue that the Milton line (name of the line that services Streetsville) is not as busy as the Lakeshore GO line, it won’t be long before the train will run all day long, seven days a week on the Milton line. Plus you still have to deal with freight trains running during the day and evening. While that wouldn’t be good news if you live right near the tracks, I’m confident it will have a positive effect on the area’s already strong property values.
2) Housing Age & Style
Due to the age of the older post war homes, many of them that haven’t been renovated are missing amenities commonly found in newer homes in a similar price bracket such as extra bathrooms and open concept designs. There are quite a few original homes still in the area that need a lot of work, and quite a few of them don’t even have proper basements. If you are looking for a turnkey home in Vista Heights, you’re going to pay top dollar for it.
Well there you have it, just a few reasons why I like Vista Heights and who I think the community will be a good fit for. For more information on the different communities in the city including Streetsville, be sure the check out the Villages of Mississauga.