In the weeks prior to your closing day, your lawyer will do their work to ensure the everything gets done. Normally you will have an appointment a few days prior to closing day to meet with your lawyer and sign all the necessary documents ahead of time.
On closing day, once your lawyer has transferred the funds and registered you on title, you can go and pick up the keys! There is no set time for closings to occur but it is normal to expect to receive your keys sometime in the afternoon.
At this point most people believe the job of the real estate agent is completed but I believe nothing is further from the truth. I’m here to assist in any way I can, whether it’s answering questions, or helping with any issues that may have come up during closing.
If I’ve done my job for you, you will see me as a valuable resource for all things related to home ownership. If you need to find a professional to fix your roof, you need clarification about your tax assessment, you want to know sales in your neighbourhood a few years from now, and so on. Be warned, I will keep in touch with you! 🙂
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Other Useful Resources:
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Contact Jeff
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