Thank you for Signing Up to The Village Guru Smart Sellers Program!


Our philosophy is to be a NO hassle, NO cold call, NO high-pressure service. Instead, knowledge, education and trust are our cornerstone values. The more you know, the better equipped you are to protect your interests and get the best services and experience that you deserve. 

You will be set up to receive emails of any homes similar to yours that come up for sale. This will come from, so please check your spam filters if you do not receive a welcome email within the next 2 business days. We will also send you occasional emails, 9 that are part of our seller program series, as well as periodic communication from me personally. It is never our intention to fill your email with SELL NOW!!! spam. The Village Guru is here to give you information, build your knowledge and work on your timeline.

If you have any questions at any time about a home, the selling process, the buying process or our services, please do not hesitate to reach out. We also have tons of articles, videos and FAQ’s on our BLOG PAGE – it’s a good page to put in your favourites as an ongoing reference. 

 So that you can learn a little about me and what The Village Guru is all about, here are 2 quick videos. Thank you again for joining our sellers program and I look forward to building a positive, respectful relationship with you!



Jeff O’Leary, Broker

The Village Guru